Photo Gallery Along Forest Trail by Isabel De VilliersAlong Forest Trail by Jon MeinkingAncient Wild Olive at the Olive CabinAnemone vesicatoria (katjiedrieblaar)Arriving at Platbos by Nita NienaberArum lily growing out of White Stinkwood by Mattstow PhotographyAsteraceae sppAt Bush Buck Suite by Nita NienaberBaboons foraging on the forest edgeBarn Owl, Platbos by Michael Wrightbatis heads off olive thrushBeautiful Platbos by GreenpopBerries on Muraltia spinosa (Tortoise Berry)Blackfoot ParachuteBlue-mantled Crested Flycatcher Michael WrightBush Buck by Mattstow PhotographyBush Buck by Rochelle FowlerBush Buck Campfire by Mattstow PhotographyBush Buck Suite at night by Jon MeinkingBush Buck Suite by Mattstow PhotographyBush Buck Suite detail by Mattstow Photographyby Hugh-Daniel Groblerby Jon MeinkingBy Michael Wright, Knysna Wood Pecker, PlatbosCape robin chases off a Boomslang by Melissa SaaymanCaracal, Platbos by Ayanda KrigeContemplationDawn, Platbos NurseryDetail of Resurrection Fern by Jon MeinkingDonkey Boiler, Oilve Cabin by Isabel De VilliersDung beetleEcoschool OutingEcoschool VisitEvidence of past logging on Hard Pear TreeFemale Boomslang, by Melissa (Krige) SaaymanFemale Bush BuckFemale paradise flycatcher on nestForest Bark by Jon MeinkingForest Camp & Bikes by Hendrik BrinkForest Camp braai by Hendrik BrinkForest Camp by Hendrik BrinkForest Floor by Mattstow PhotographyForest Fun by Isabel De VilliersForest fungi by Jon MeinkingForest labyrinthForest Path by Beachcomber GuideForest Therapy Board photo by Jon MeinkingForest Trail by Jon MeinkingForest Trail Info Hut by Jon MeinkingForest Trail Picnic Table by Mattstow PhotographyFresh Growth on Bladdernut at ReforestationGnarled White Stinkwood by Belinda BlignautGolden coincapGrysbokHappy Guest & White Stinkwood at the Honey Bee SuiteHeart wood of a white stinkwood, Platbos by Fred HatmanHot Tub at Honey Bee by @tailsofamermaidInside a nurse tree, young tree saplings, Platbos by Fred HatmanInside Info Hut by Jon MeinkingKedrosis nana (Porcupine potato)Knysna Wood Pecker Platbos, Michael WrightLabirynth by Kali van der MerweLachenalia bulbiferaLeopard toadLichen on Pock Ironwood by Jon MeinkingMagical Platbos by Melissa (Krige) SaaymanMale bosbok night shotMale Paradise flycatcher by Dolf Bredenkamp Platbos-Mattstow PhotographyMattstow Photography - Campfire Bush BuckMilkwood amongst Pock IronwoodMilkwood by Melissa (Krige) SaaymanMoonlight in the forestMorning Mist, by Melissa (Krige) SaaymanMoss and Resurrection Fern by Belinda BlignautOld Milkwood by Brita LombaOlive Wood Pecker, Michael WrightOxalis pes-caprea (geel suuring) on white stinkwood trunkOzone Tree PlantingParadise Flycatcher fledglingPeace at the Bush Buck by Nita NienaberPelargonium capitatum (rose geranium)Pelaronium longifolium (Bearded pelargonium)Pepperomi in flower by Jon MeinkingPepperomia sppPhoto of Tree Identification Board - by Jon MeinkingPlatbos Forest by GreenpopPlatbos forest MilkwoodPlatbos Guided WalkPlatbos Labyrinth by TravelGroundPlatbos NurseryPlatbos-reforestation by Fred HatmanPodalyria calyptrata (sweetpea bush)Praying Mantis with Jeremy Loops (Platbos Reforest Fest 2017)Raucous toad PlatbosReforest Fest - talk beneath Old MilkwoodReforestation areas cleared of alien vegetationReforestation SiteRepotting a Pock Ironwood seedlingRock Alder SeedlingSchool VisitSchool Vist to PlatbosShower at Bush Buck by Nita NienaberSpiderSpring buds, White StinkwoodSun FlaresThe Hot Tub by Caela Elizabeth MaraisThe Old MilkwoodThe Old Milkwood by Kali van der MerweThe Old Milkwood by Melissa Van RooyenThe Twisted Olive by Haus Giotto Bed and BreakfastTree Planting, Wild OliveUnidentified Forest MothUntitledView from Canopy PlatformView from Canopy Platform by Jon MeinkingWaking up in Platbos by Rochelle FowlerWhite Stinkwood by Melissa (Krige) SaaymanWild olive twistWinter wonderland by Melissa SaaymanWood pecker mirror imageYoung female bushbuck